At the track and field meet, the runners were competing in running as far as they could in 3 minutes. Below are their distances in fraction of a mile. Put the runners in order from fastest (highest distance) to slowest (lowest distance). NR 3.4

1 point
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Brandi, Anasia, Marijoy, Nicole, Nadea
Nadea, Nicole, Marijoy, Anasia, Brandi
Nicole, Nadea, Brandi, Marijoy, Anasia
Nadea, Marijoy ,Nicole, Anasia, Brandi

The correct order from fastest to slowest is:

Nadea, Nicole, Marijoy, Anasia, Brandi

To put the runners in order from fastest to slowest based on their distances in fractions of a mile, we can compare the numbers given for each runner.

The distances in fractions of a mile for each runner are as follows:

- NR (No runner mentioned): 3.4 miles (highest distance)
- Brandi: Unknown distance
- Anasia: Unknown distance
- Marijoy: Unknown distance
- Nicole: Unknown distance

Since the distances for Brandi, Anasia, Marijoy, and Nicole are not specified, we cannot determine their positions accurately. However, we can say that Nadea's distance of 3.4 miles is the highest among the given distances.

To put the runners in order from fastest to slowest, we need to compare their distances.

The given fractions are NR 3.4, *, 1.

First, let's convert these fractions to decimals:
NR 3.4 is equivalent to 3.4.
* could be any value, so we don't know its exact decimal equivalent.
1 is equivalent to 1.0.

Now, let's compare the decimal values:
3.4 > 1.0.

So, NR 3.4 would be the farthest distance, followed by any distance represented by * (since we don't have the exact value), and then 1.0 would be the shortest distance.

Given the options, the correct order from fastest to slowest would be:
Nadea, followed by any distance represented by *, and then Nicole.

Therefore, the answer would be: Nadea, *, Nicole.