A person living in an apartment puts down a $300 deposit when they move in and then pays $700 of rent each month. Write an expression to represent the housing cost for this situation at the end of m months.


To write an expression for the housing cost at the end of m months, we need to consider the initial deposit and the monthly rent.

The initial deposit is $300, and the monthly rent is $700.

Each month, the person pays $700 in rent, so after m months, the total rent paid would be 700 * m.

Therefore, the expression to represent the housing cost at the end of m months would be:
300 + (700 * m)

To write an expression representing the housing cost at the end of m months, we need to consider both the initial deposit and the monthly rent payments.

The initial deposit is $300, which remains constant throughout the months. So, it will be added to the total housing cost.

The monthly rent is $700, which is paid every month. To represent this, we can multiply the number of months (m) by the rent amount:

Rent cost = $700 × m

To include the initial deposit, we add it to the rent cost expression:

Housing cost = $300 + ($700 × m)

Therefore, the expression representing the housing cost at the end of m months is:

Housing cost = $300 + ($700 × m)

The housing cost for this situation at the end of m months can be represented by the expression:

$300 + $700m