What are some art apps for drawing on pc that are free?

Some art apps for drawing on PC that are free include:

1. Krita: Offers a comprehensive set of drawing tools, brushes, and customizable interfaces.
2. GIMP: A versatile software that includes drawing, photo editing, and graphic design capabilities.
3. MediBang Paint: Provides a variety of brushes, backgrounds, and pre-made comic panel templates.
4. Autodesk SketchBook: Offers a wide range of brushes, an intuitive interface, and customizable tools.
5. FireAlpaca: A simple and lightweight software with a variety of brushes, layers, and in-app tutorials.
6. MyPaint: Focuses on natural media painting with different brushes and customizable features.
7. Artweaver Free: Offers a wide range of brushes, layers, and customizable workspace for digital painting.
8. Inkscape: Primarily a vector graphics editor but can also be used for digital drawing and illustration.
9. Paint.NET: A user-friendly software with layer support and a range of drawing tools.
10. Vectr: A vector graphics editor that allows for drawing and editing scalable graphics.

There are several free art apps for drawing on PC that you can try out. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Krita: Krita is a versatile and powerful open-source drawing and painting software that is suitable for both beginners and professionals. It offers a variety of brushes and tools and supports layers, filters, and animation.

2. GIMP: GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-source software that is primarily used for image editing but also offers painting and drawing capabilities. It has a wide range of features and supports various file formats.

3. Inkscape: Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor that allows you to create and edit scalable graphics. While it's not specifically designed for drawing, it offers powerful tools and supports tablet input.

4. FireAlpaca: FireAlpaca is a free digital painting software that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface. It offers various brushes, layers, and blending modes and also supports comic creation.

5. Medibang Paint: Medibang Paint is a free digital painting and comic creation software that comes with an extensive collection of brushes and tools. It supports cloud storage, allowing you to access your work across multiple devices.

Remember to check the system requirements of each app to ensure compatibility with your PC.

To find free art apps for drawing on a PC, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to a search engine, such as Google.
2. In the search bar, type in "free art apps for drawing on PC."
3. Look through the search results to find websites or articles that provide a list of free art apps.
4. Click on the links to visit these websites or articles.
5. Explore the lists provided and read the descriptions to find out about different art apps available for PC.
6. Some popular free art apps for drawing on PC include Krita, FireAlpaca, Medibang Paint, and GIMP.
7. Once you have found an art app that interests you, click on the download link provided on the website.
8. Follow the instructions to download and install the art app on your PC.
9. Once the installation is complete, you can open the art app and start drawing!

Remember, it's always a good idea to read user reviews or watch tutorials to get a better understanding of the features and functionality of each art app before making your choice.