what is the small package created by the golgi aparatus

The small package created by the Golgi apparatus is called a vesicle.

what is what is the small package created by the golgi aparatus

The small package created by the Golgi apparatus is called a Golgi vesicle.


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small structure that synthisises protens

The small structure that synthesizes proteins is called a ribosome. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in cells. They can be found either free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

sac that stores water nutrients and waste

The sac that stores water, nutrients, and waste in plant cells is called a vacuole. Plant cells typically have a large central vacuole that occupies a significant portion of the cell's volume. This vacuole helps maintain turgor pressure, store various substances, and regulate the cell's osmotic balance. In addition to water, vacuoles can also store ions, nutrients, pigments, and waste materials.

structure that orgonises motion of chromosomes

The structure that organizes the motion of chromosomes during cell division is called the mitotic spindle or spindle apparatus. The spindle apparatus is composed of microtubules, which are protein filaments responsible for moving and segregating the chromosomes during various stages of mitosis or meiosis. The spindle apparatus helps ensure that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes during cell division.

what molocules can diffuse(go through) the cell membrain directly

Small, non-polar molecules can diffuse directly through the cell membrane. This includes molecules such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and lipids. Additionally, some small uncharged polar molecules like water can also pass through the membrane via a process known as simple diffusion. It's important to note that large, charged molecules or ions typically cannot diffuse directly through the cell membrane and require specific transport proteins or channels for passage.

how can some large molecules and changed ions get through the cell membrain

Large molecules and charged ions cannot directly diffuse through the cell membrane due to its hydrophobic interior. However, there are several mechanisms by which these substances can cross the membrane:

1. Facilitated diffusion: Large molecules and charged ions can pass through the membrane with the help of specific transport proteins. These proteins form channels or carriers that facilitate the movement of specific molecules or ions across the membrane along their concentration gradient, without requiring energy.

2. Active transport: In active transport, large molecules or ions are moved across the membrane against their concentration gradient, which requires energy in the form of ATP. This process is facilitated by specific transport proteins, such as pumps, which actively transport molecules or ions across the membrane.

3. Endocytosis and exocytosis: These processes involve the formation of vesicles that transport large molecules or ions across the membrane. Endocytosis brings substances into the cell by engulfing them in membrane-bound vesicles, while exocytosis releases substances from the cell by fusing vesicles with the cell membrane.

These mechanisms enable the transport of large molecules and charged ions across the cell membrane while maintaining the necessary control and regulation of substances entering or leaving the cell.

what is atp

ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is a molecule that serves as the primary energy carrier in cells. ATP is composed of three phosphate groups, a ribose sugar, and an adenine base. The bonds between these phosphate groups store a significant amount of energy.

When ATP is hydrolyzed, meaning one phosphate group is cleaved off, it releases energy in the process. This energy is used for various cellular processes, such as muscle contraction, active transport, synthesis of macromolecules, and other essential metabolic reactions.

ATP acts as a universal energy currency in cells, transferring energy from energy-releasing reactions to energy-consuming ones. It is constantly generated through cellular respiration and other metabolic pathways, ensuring a steady supply of energy for cellular activities.

what happens in the mitochondrion

The mitochondrion is often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because it is the site where cellular respiration takes place. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells generate ATP, the primary energy molecule used by cells.

Within the mitochondria, a series of complex reactions occur to produce ATP. Here's a simplified overview of the main steps:

1. Glycolysis: Glucose, derived from carbohydrates, is broken down in the cytoplasm through glycolysis, producing a small amount of ATP and intermediate molecules.

2. Pyruvate Processing: The intermediate molecules from glycolysis eventually enter the mitochondria. Pyruvate, derived from glucose, is further processed in the mitochondrial matrix.

3. Citric Acid Cycle (also known as Krebs cycle or TCA cycle): Acetyl CoA, produced from pyruvate, enters the citric acid cycle in the mitochondrial matrix. In this cycle, acetyl CoA is further broken down, releasing high-energy electrons and producing ATP.

4. Electron Transport Chain (ETC): The high-energy electrons generated from the previous steps enter the inner mitochondrial membrane, specifically the ETC. These electrons pass through a series of proteins, creating a flow of protons (H+) across the membrane. This proton gradient is used to generate ATP through a process called oxidative phosphorylation.

Overall, the mitochondrion is involved in the production of ATP, which provides energy for various cellular processes. It plays a crucial role in cellular respiration and energy metabolism.

what does the ribosomes do

Ribosomes are cellular structures responsible for protein synthesis. They are composed of RNA molecules and proteins and can be found either free in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (forming the rough endoplasmic reticulum).

The main functions of ribosomes include:

1. Protein synthesis: Ribosomes read the genetic information encoded in messenger RNA (mRNA) and use it as a template to assemble amino acids in the correct order to form a polypeptide chain. This process is known as translation. Ribosomes catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids, ultimately leading to protein synthesis.

2. Protein targeting: Ribosomes associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) participate in the synthesis of proteins that are destined for secretion, for incorporation into cell membranes, or for use within specific organelles. These ribosomes translate mRNA with signal sequences that direct the growing polypeptide to the appropriate location within or outside of the cell.

3. Protein quality control: Ribosomes help monitor and ensure the accuracy of protein synthesis. They can detect and respond to potential errors or abnormalities in the process, leading to the degradation or reprocessing of defective proteins.

In summary, ribosomes are essential cellular components involved in the synthesis of proteins, which are crucial for various cellular functions and processes.

how do they make proteins

Ribosomes make proteins through a process called translation. Here's a simplified overview of how it works:

1. Transcription: First, the DNA in the nucleus is transcribed into a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule. This mRNA molecule carries the genetic information from the DNA that codes for a specific protein.

2. mRNA export: The mRNA molecule is then transported out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm, where the ribosomes are located.

3. Initiation: The ribosome binds to the mRNA molecule at a specific site called the start codon. The start codon signals the beginning of the protein-coding sequence.

4. Elongation: Using the mRNA molecule as a template, the ribosome reads the genetic code in groups of three nucleotides known as codons. Each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid. Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules bring the appropriate amino acids to the ribosome based on the codons, and the ribosome catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids. This process continues, forming a growing polypeptide chain.

5. Termination: The ribosome continues the process until it reaches a stop codon on the mRNA molecule. The stop codon signals the end of the protein-coding sequence. At this point, the ribosome releases the completed polypeptide chain.

The newly synthesized protein then goes through various post-translational modifications, folding, and may be targeted to specific cellular locations for further processing or function.

This process of ribosome-mediated translation is vital for building the diverse array of proteins necessary for cellular structure, function, and regulation.

how do vesicale move through the cell

Vesicles move through the cell using various mechanisms, depending on their specific functions and destinations. Here are a few common ways vesicles are transported:

1. Molecular motors and cytoskeleton: Many vesicles utilize molecular motors, such as kinesins and dyneins, which move along the microtubules of the cell's cytoskeleton. Kinesins generally move vesicles towards the cell periphery (outward), while dyneins move vesicles towards the cell center (inward). These molecular motors use ATP to generate the necessary energy for vesicle transport.

2. Actin-based movement: Some vesicles rely on the actin cytoskeleton for their movement. Actin filaments can provide track-like structures along which myosin motors transport vesicles within the cytoplasm. Actin-based movement is often seen in shorter distances, such as at the cell periphery or during cellular processes like membrane trafficking.

3. Membrane fusion and budding: Certain types of vesicles can move through the cell by undergoing processes of fusion or budding. Fusion involves the vesicle membrane merging with the target membrane, releasing its contents into the target compartment. Budding occurs when vesicles form from the donor compartment by budding off a membrane. These processes help transport vesicles between different cellular compartments.

4. Diffusion: Some smaller vesicles may also move within the cell by passive diffusion or random motion due to thermal energy. However, for larger vesicles or precise targeting, active transport mechanisms are generally involved.

These mechanisms ensure that vesicles reach their intended destinations within the cell, which can include organelles, the plasma membrane, or other specific cellular compartments, allowing for the transport of molecules, signaling factors, and other important cargo.

what thing do animal cells have that plant cells dont

There are a few structures and features that are typically found in animal cells but not in plant cells. Some examples include:

1. Centrioles: Animal cells have centrioles, which are cylindrical structures involved in cell division. Plant cells lack true centrioles, although they may have similar structures called basal bodies that are involved in flagella and cilia formation in some plant cells.

2. Lysosomes: Animal cells contain lysosomes, which are membrane-bound organelles involved in intracellular digestion and waste removal. Plant cells have similar structures called lytic vacuoles, but they differ in terms of their composition and functions.

3. Flagella: Animal cells may have flagella, which are whip-like extensions used for cell locomotion. While some plant cells have structures called flagellum-like structures called basal bodies, true flagella are not typically found in plant cells.

4. Centrosomes: Animals cells have centrosomes, which are microtubule organizing centers that are involved in cell division. Plant cells do not have centrosomes, though they still undergo cell division through a different mechanism.

5. Gap junctions: Animal cells can form gap junctions, which are specialized protein channels that allow direct communication and exchange of small molecules and ions between adjacent cells. Gap junctions are not present in plant cells, although plant cells may have similar structures called plasmodesmata that allow for cell-to-cell communication.

It's important to note that while there are differences in specific structures between animal and plant cells, both cell types share many common features and functions that are essential for their survival and functioning.

cloroplasts what do they do

Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells and some other organisms, such as algae, that perform a critical role in photosynthesis. Here's an overview of the functions of chloroplasts:

1. Photosynthesis: The primary function of chloroplasts is to carry out photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. Chloroplasts contain pigments called chlorophyll, which capture sunlight and initiate the photosynthetic reactions. Within the chloroplasts, the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions) take place, leading to the synthesis of glucose and production of oxygen.

2. Synthesis of ATP: During photosynthesis, chloroplasts generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which serves as an energy currency for the cell. ATP is generated through the flow of electrons in the thylakoid membrane during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

3. Production of carbohydrates: Through photosynthesis, chloroplasts use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to produce glucose and other carbohydrates. These carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source for the plant, as well as the building blocks for other organic molecules.

4. Synthesis of other compounds: Chloroplasts are also involved in the synthesis of lipids, pigments (such as carotenoids), and other compounds necessary for plant growth and development.

Overall, chloroplasts are critical for the energy production and metabolism of plants, serving as the site for photosynthesis and the generation of ATP and carbohydrates. They play a vital role in sustaining life on Earth by converting solar energy into chemical energy that is accessible to other organisms.

what converts food into energy

The process that converts food into energy in living organisms is known as cellular respiration. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells and involves the breakdown of glucose and other organic molecules to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of cells.

The process of cellular respiration can be summarized in three main stages:

1. Glycolysis: In the cytoplasm, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate through a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. This step produces a small amount of ATP and NADH (a coenzyme that carries high-energy electrons).

2. Citric Acid Cycle (or Krebs Cycle): In the mitochondria, pyruvate is further broken down into carbon dioxide, generating NADH and FADH2 (another high-energy electron carrier), as well as producing a small amount of ATP.

3. Electron Transport Chain (ETC): The high-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2, produced in the previous steps, are transferred through a series of proteins embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This flow of electrons generates a proton gradient (H+) across the membrane, which is used by ATP synthase to produce a large amount of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

Overall, cellular respiration extracts energy stored in the bonds of food molecules (such as glucose) and converts it into ATP, which can be used for various cellular processes, including muscle contraction, active transport, and synthesis of molecules necessary for growth and maintenance.

what converts food into energy orgonel

The organelle responsible for converting food into energy in eukaryotic cells is the mitochondrion.

The mitochondrion is often referred to as the "powerhouse" of the cell because it is the primary site of cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells break down organic molecules, such as glucose, to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy currency of the cell.

Within the mitochondria, the process of cellular respiration occurs in several stages:

1. Glycolysis: The breakdown of glucose occurs in the cytoplasm outside the mitochondria.

2. Pyruvate Processing: The pyruvate molecules produced in glycolysis are transported into the mitochondrial matrix, where they are further processed and prepared for the next step.

3. Citric Acid Cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle or TCA cycle): The processed pyruvate molecules enter the citric acid cycle and undergo a series of chemical reactions that release stored energy and produce additional molecules like NADH and FADH2, which carry high-energy electrons.

4. Electron Transport Chain (ETC): The high-energy electrons carried by NADH and FADH2 travel along the electron transport chain embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. As the electrons move through the chain, energy is transferred and used to pump protons (H+) across the membrane, creating a proton gradient.

5. ATP Synthesis: The proton gradient generated by the electron transport chain is used by ATP synthase to produce ATP. This process is known as oxidative phosphorylation.

By undergoing these steps, the mitochondria convert the energy stored in organic molecules into ATP, which is then utilized by the cell to carry out various functions and processes efficiently.

It's worth noting that prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, also produce energy through cellular respiration, but their process occurs in the cytoplasm since they lack mitochondria.