The act of discussing an issues between two or more parties with different interests with an aim of coming to an agreement is referred to as


The act of discussing an issue between two or more parties with different interests, with an aim of coming to an agreement, is referred to as negotiation.

The act of discussing an issue between two or more parties with different interests, with the aim of coming to an agreement, is referred to as negotiation.

To explain how to reach a successful negotiation, here are some key steps:

1. Preparation: Before entering into a negotiation, it is important to prepare by gathering information about the issue at hand, understanding your own interests and priorities, and assessing the other party's position.

2. Identify goals and interests: Clarify your own goals and interests, as well as those of the other party. This involves understanding what each party hopes to achieve from the negotiation.

3. Active listening: During the negotiation, actively listen to the other party's perspective, concerns, and needs. This helps in building rapport and understanding their position better.

4. Creative problem-solving: Look for innovative solutions that can address the interests of both parties. Explore options and brainstorm mutually beneficial alternatives. Focus on creating value rather than simply pursuing individual interests.

5. Effective communication: Clearly and concisely express your own interests, needs, and proposed solutions. Use persuasive communication techniques to convey your point effectively and maintain a respectful tone.

6. Compromise and find common ground: In negotiation, it is essential to search for areas of agreement and be open to compromise. Identify shared interests and work towards a solution that satisfies both parties to establish a win-win outcome.

7. Evaluate and review: After reaching an agreement, evaluate its terms and ensure they align with your initial goals and interests. Take the time to review and understand all aspects of the agreement before finalizing it.

Remember, negotiation skills can be developed through practice and experience. It is important to approach negotiations with an open mind, flexibility, and a willingness to collaborate in order to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.