Manuel purchase a prepaid phone card for $45.00. call of 9 cents in minute using this card.The credit, C (in dollars), left on the card after it used for x minutes of calls is giving by the following.

How much credit is left on the card after manuel uses it for 15 minutes of calls?

To find out how much credit is left on the card after 15 minutes of calls, we substitute x = 15 in the equation C = 45.00 - 0.09x:

C = 45.00 - 0.09(15)

C = 45.00 - 1.35

C = <<45.00-1.35=43.65>>43.65

Therefore, there is $43.65 left on the card after Manuel uses it for 15 minutes of calls.

To find out how much credit is left on the card after 15 minutes of calls, we need to substitute x = 15 into the equation C = 45.00 - 0.09x.

C = 45.00 - 0.09 * 15
C = 45.00 - 1.35
C = 43.65

Therefore, after Manuel uses the card for 15 minutes of calls, there will be $43.65 of credit left on the card.

To find out how much credit is left on the prepaid phone card after Manuel uses it for 15 minutes of calls, you can substitute x = 15 into the formula C = 45.00 - 0.09x and simplify it.

C = 45.00 - 0.09(15)
C = 45.00 - 1.35

Calculating the subtraction, we get:

C = 43.65

Therefore, after Manuel uses the prepaid phone card for 15 minutes of calls, there will be $43.65 credit left on the card.