Tom earns 53 dollars per week working part-time at book store.He makes one dollar more for each book that he sells.The amount,A (in dollars), that Tom earns in a week if he sells b books is giving by the following

How much does Tom earn in a week if he sells 25 books?

To find out how much Tom earns in a week if he sells 25 books, we can substitute the value of b into the equation A=53+b:

A = 53 + 25
A = 78

Therefore, Tom earns 78 dollars in a week if he sells 25 books.

Mary is driving on a highway. She uses one gallon of gas every 50 miles she drives.The distance, D (in miles), she travels on g gallons of gas is given by the following

How far does Mary drive if she uses 4 gallons gas?

To find out how far Mary drives if she uses 4 gallons of gas, we can substitute the value of g into the equation D=50g:

D = 50 * 4
D = 200

Therefore, Mary drives 200 miles if she uses 4 gallons of gas.

To find out how much Tom earns in a week if he sells 25 books, we can substitute the value of b (which is 25) into the expression A=53+b.

A = 53 + 25
A = 78

Therefore, Tom earns 78 dollars in a week if he sells 25 books.

To find out how much Tom earns in a week if he sells 25 books, we can substitute b=25 into the equation A=53+b.

A = 53 + b
A = 53 + 25

By adding 53 and 25, we can find the value of A.

A = 78

Therefore, Tom earns 78 dollars in a week if he sells 25 books.