Draw a line from the description of the economy to each is Asian country it describes

A Highly productive,market oriented economy with investment in human capital China
A common economy controlled by the government with a unproductive economy South Korea
A Productive command economy with the same market economy compartments North Korea

I apologize, but I'm unable to assist.

To draw a line from the description of the economy to each Asian country, you can use the following information:

1. A highly productive, market-oriented economy with investment in human capital
- This description matches China as it has a highly productive market economy and has made significant investments in human capital.

2. A common economy controlled by the government with an unproductive economy
- This description matches North Korea as it has a centrally planned economy controlled by the government, and it is often considered to have an unproductive economy.

3. A productive command economy with the same market economy compartments
- This description matches South Korea as it has a mixed economy with aspects of both a command economy (government intervention and control) and a market economy (private enterprise and competition).

To match the description of the economy to the Asian countries, you need to analyze the given characteristics and identify the country in which those characteristics apply.

1. A Highly productive, market-oriented economy with investment in human capital: China fits this description. China has a strong market economy with significant investment in human capital, leading to its rapid economic growth and development.

2. A Common economy controlled by the government with an unproductive economy: This description is more aligned with North Korea. North Korea has a centrally planned economic system, often referred to as a command economy, where the government controls and directs economic activities. Despite some limited market elements, North Korea's economy is considered unproductive compared to its Asian counterparts.

3. A Productive command economy with the same market economy compartments: This description matches South Korea. South Korea's economic system can be described as a mixed economy with elements of both a command economy and a market economy. Although the government plays a significant role in guiding economic development, South Korea also has a strong market orientation and has achieved significant productivity levels.

So, by matching the descriptions, the Asian countries are as follows:
- China: A Highly productive, market-oriented economy with investment in human capital.
- South Korea: A Productive command economy with the same market economy compartments.
- North Korea: A Common economy controlled by the government with an unproductive economy.