According to the dietary guidelines for Americans , which of the following is important in order to maintain a healthy weight?

Get all the nutrients your body needs

Balance calories eaten with activitiy level

Wash hands when preparing food

Eat nutrient - dense food

Balance calories eaten with activity level

According to the dietary guidelines for Americans, the following actions are important in order to maintain a healthy weight:

1. Balance calories eaten with activity level: It is important to consume the right amount of calories that suit your activity level. This means consuming enough calories to provide energy for your daily activities, but avoiding excessive calories that can lead to weight gain.

2. Eat nutrient-dense food: Nutrient-dense foods provide essential nutrients while being relatively low in calories. Focusing on nutrient-dense foods helps you fulfill your body's nutrient requirements without consuming excessive calories.

Therefore, the correct options from the given list are:

- Balance calories eaten with activity level
- Eat nutrient-dense food

According to the dietary guidelines for Americans, one important factor in maintaining a healthy weight is to balance calories eaten with activity level.

To determine the answer to this question, you can refer to the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for a healthy eating pattern and lifestyle.

To access the guidelines, you can visit the official website of either the USDA or the HHS. Once on the website, search for the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" or a similar phrase to find the relevant information. Typically, the guidelines will be available for download as a PDF document.

In the guidelines, you will find information on various aspects of maintaining a healthy weight, including the importance of balancing calorie intake with physical activity. This means consuming an appropriate number of calories based on your individual needs while also engaging in regular physical activity.

While the other options mentioned (getting all the nutrients your body needs, washing hands when preparing food, and eating nutrient-dense food) are indeed important for overall health, they are not specifically mentioned in relation to maintaining a healthy weight in the question. However, they are still crucial components of a healthy eating pattern.