Which statement best defines perpendicular lines?

lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect
lines that intersect and form right angles
lines that share a point
lines that lie in the same plane

B. lines that intersect and form right angles

The statement that best defines perpendicular lines is B. Perpendicular lines intersect and form right angles.

To determine which statement best defines perpendicular lines, let's analyze each option:

A. Lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect.
This statement describes parallel lines, not perpendicular lines.

B. Lines that intersect and form right angles.
This statement accurately defines perpendicular lines. When two lines intersect, and the angles formed between them are all right angles (90 degrees), these lines are perpendicular.

C. Lines that share a point.
This statement describes intersecting lines but does not necessarily imply that the lines are perpendicular. Perpendicular lines always intersect, but not all intersecting lines are perpendicular. Therefore, this option is not the best definition of perpendicular lines.

D. Lines that lie in the same plane.
This statement characterizes coplanar lines, not necessarily perpendicular lines.

From the given options, B. "Lines that intersect and form right angles" is the statement that best defines perpendicular lines.