Solomon needs to distribute 10.5 gallons of perfume among 3.5 gallons of perfume will be in each container write the answer in scientific notation



it's 3×10^−2

To find the number of containers needed, we can divide the total amount of perfume by the amount in each container.

10.5 gallons / 3.5 gallons/container = 3 containers

Therefore, Solomon needs 3 containers to distribute 10.5 gallons of perfume.

To write this answer in scientific notation, we express it as:

3 * 10^0

Since any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1, the expression simplifies to:

3 * 1 = 3

So the answer in scientific notation is 3.

To distribute 10.5 gallons of perfume among 3.5 gallons in each container, we divide the total amount of perfume by the amount in each container:

10.5 gallons ÷ 3.5 gallons = 3

So, we can fill 3 containers with 3.5 gallons of perfume each.

Now, let's write the answer in scientific notation:

3.5 gallons = 3.5 * 10^0 gallons

Therefore, distributing 10.5 gallons among 3 containers would be:

(3 * 3.5) * 10^0 gallons = 10.5 * 10^0 gallons = 10.5 gallons

To find the number of containers Solomon needs to distribute 10.5 gallons of perfume, we can divide the total amount of perfume by the amount of perfume in each container.

10.5 gallons ÷ 3.5 gallons per container = 3 containers

Now, let's write the answer in scientific notation.

3 containers can be written as:

3 * 10^0

Since 10^0 is equal to 1, we can simplify the expression to:

3 * 1 = 3

So, the answer in scientific notation is:

3 * 10^0