How would you write the number 200 so that you had 2 significant figures

To write the number 200 with 2 significant figures, you would represent it as "2.0 x 10^2".

To write the number 200 with 2 significant figures, follow these steps:

1. Identify the two most significant figures, which are the first two non-zero digits from the left. In this case, the first two digits are 2 and 0.

2. If the digit in the third position is 5 or greater, round up the second significant figure. Since the digit in the third position is 0, no rounding is necessary.

3. Rewrite the number using the two significant figures identified in step 1. In this case, the number 200 remains the same, as all the digits are significant.

So, the number 200 expressed with 2 significant figures is simply 200.

To write the number 200 with 2 significant figures, you need to express it in scientific notation. Follow these steps to get the answer:

1. Determine the two significant figures: In this case, we have 200, which is made up of three significant figures.

2. Identify the first significant figure: Starting from the left, the first significant figure is "2."

3. Determine the second significant figure: The second significant figure, which is the final significant figure for two significant figures, is "0."

4. Rewrite the number using scientific notation: Since the second significant figure is "0," we need to express it as a power of 10.

200 can be written as 2.0 × 10².