In government class Nadia computed the amount of debt of the Federal government after a third of it was paid in 1995 the calculator displayed the number 3.28 e12 what is the number in scientific notation

3.28e12 in scientific notation is 3.28 x 10^12.

The number 3.28e12 is already in scientific notation.

In scientific notation, numbers are expressed in the form of a x 10^b, where a is a number between 1 and 10 (excluding 10), and b is an integer. In this case, 3.28 is multiplied by 10^12, which is equivalent to 1 followed by 12 zeros.

To convert a number to scientific notation, you would need to rewrite it in the form of A x 10^n, where A is a number between 1 and 10, and n is an exponent indicating the power of 10.

In the given scenario, the calculator displayed the number 3.28e12.

To express this number in scientific notation, we can break it down as follows:

3.28e12 can be rewritten as 3.28 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12.

Hence, the number 3.28e12 in scientific notation is 3.28 x 10^12.