a 12-ft-by-15-ft rectangular swimming pool has a 3-ft-wide no-slip surface around it

To find the dimensions of the swimming pool with the no-slip surface around it, we need to subtract the width of the no-slip surface from the overall dimensions.

Given that the rectangular pool has dimensions 12 ft by 15 ft, and the no-slip surface has a width of 3 ft all around it, the dimensions of the pool including the no-slip surface would be:

Length: 12 ft + 2*(3 ft) = 12 ft + 6 ft = 18 ft
Width: 15 ft + 2*(3 ft) = 15 ft + 6 ft = 21 ft

Therefore, the swimming pool with the 3-ft wide no-slip surface around it would have dimensions of 18 ft by 21 ft.

To find the dimensions of the pool, we need to subtract twice the width of the no-slip surface from the overall dimensions of the pool.

Overall length: 15 ft
Overall width: 12 ft
Width of the no-slip surface: 3 ft

Step 1: Calculate the dimensions of the pool by subtracting twice the width of the no-slip surface from the overall dimensions.

Pool length = Overall length - (2 * Width of the no-slip surface)
Pool length = 15 ft - (2 * 3 ft)
Pool length = 15 ft - 6 ft
Pool length = 9 ft

Pool width = Overall width - (2 * Width of the no-slip surface)
Pool width = 12 ft - (2 * 3 ft)
Pool width = 12 ft - 6 ft
Pool width = 6 ft

Therefore, the dimensions of the pool are 9 ft by 6 ft.

To calculate the total area of the rectangular swimming pool and the no-slip surface, we need to consider the dimensions of both the pool and the no-slip surface.

Length of the pool = 12 ft
Width of the pool = 15 ft
Width of the no-slip surface = 3 ft

To calculate the total length and width of the pool including the no-slip surface, we need to add double the width of the no-slip surface to the length and width of the pool.

Total length of the pool and no-slip surface = Length of the pool + 2 * (Width of the no-slip surface)
Total length = 12 ft + 2 * 3 ft = 12 ft + 6 ft = 18 ft

Total width of the pool and no-slip surface = Width of the pool + 2 * (Width of the no-slip surface)
Total width = 15 ft + 2 * 3 ft = 15 ft + 6 ft = 21 ft

Now, we can calculate the area of the rectangular swimming pool and the no-slip surface.

Area = Total length * Total width
Area = 18 ft * 21 ft
Area = 378 square feet

Therefore, the area of the rectangular swimming pool and the no-slip surface is 378 square feet.