The ability to measure how strong an atom attracts electrons when the atom is part of a compound is called _____________________.



atomic radius




The ability to measure how strong an atom attracts electrons when the atom is part of a compound is called electronegativity.

The ability to measure how strong an atom attracts electrons when the atom is part of a compound is called electronegativity. Electronegativity is a property of an atom that describes its tendency to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. It helps predict the distribution of electrons in a molecule and the polarity of a bond. To determine electronegativity values, several different scales have been developed, such as the Pauling scale, which assigns electronegativity values to elements based on their properties. These values can be found in various reference tables or online sources. By comparing the electronegativity values of different atoms in a compound, you can assess the polarity of the bonds and the distribution of electron density within the molecule.