A hot air balloon pilot decides to fly 5,000 feet lower due to high wind. It takes the pilot 2.5 minutes to make this adjustment. Interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the balloon's altitude. Give your answer to the nearest hundredth, and remember the balloon is descending.

The quotient in this problem is the rate of change in the balloon's altitude, which can be calculated by dividing the decrease in altitude (5,000 feet) by the time taken to make the adjustment (2.5 minutes):

Rate of change = Decrease in altitude / Time taken

Rate of change = 5000 feet / 2.5 minutes

Calculating this expression gives us:

Rate of change ≈ 2000 feet/minute

Therefore, the rate of change in the balloon's altitude is approximately 2000 feet per minute.

To interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the balloon's altitude, we need to divide the change in altitude by the time it took to make that adjustment.

The change in altitude is 5,000 feet (since the pilot decided to fly 5,000 feet lower).

The time it took to make this adjustment is 2.5 minutes.

Therefore, the quotient, which represents the rate of change in the balloon's altitude, can be found by dividing the change in altitude by the time taken:

Rate of change = Change in altitude / Time taken = 5000 feet / 2.5 minutes.

To calculate this, we have:

Rate of change = 5000 feet / 2.5 minutes = 2000 feet per minute.

Hence, the rate of change in the balloon's altitude is 2000 feet per minute when the pilot decides to fly 5,000 feet lower due to high wind.

To interpret the quotient that describes the rate of change in the balloon's altitude, we first need to calculate the rate of change, also known as the average rate of change.

The average rate of change can be obtained by dividing the change in altitude by the time taken for that change. In this case, the balloon descended 5,000 feet in 2.5 minutes.

Average Rate of Change = Change in Altitude / Time Taken

Let's calculate it:

Average Rate of Change = 5000 feet / 2.5 minutes

Now, we can evaluate this quotient to describe the rate of change in the balloon's altitude.

Average Rate of Change = 2000 feet per minute.

So, the quotient (2000 feet per minute) represents the rate of change in the balloon's altitude. Since the balloon is descending, the rate of change is negative.

Therefore, the interpreted quotient to describe the rate of change in the balloon's altitude, given to the nearest hundredth, is -2000 feet per minute.