Goals should linger on and on—they shouldn't have an expiration date, like milk and bread do, so they are able to get stale if need be.

While it's true that some goals require time and efforts to achieve, setting goals without any expiration date can have both positive and negative effects. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

1. Focus and motivation: Having a specific timeframe attached to a goal can enhance focus and motivation. Setting deadlines creates a sense of urgency and pushes us to take action, make progress, and avoid procrastination.

2. Adaptability: Circumstances and priorities change over time. By setting goals without any expiration date, there is a risk of not adapting to new circumstances or reassessing whether the goal is still relevant or worth pursuing. Flexibility in goals allows us to adapt to different situations and adjust our strategies accordingly.

3. Measurement and evaluation: Setting a timeframe helps in measuring progress and evaluating the success of a goal. It provides benchmarks to assess whether we are on track, need to modify our approach, or set new objectives. Without an expiration date, it becomes challenging to measure progress and determine the effectiveness of our efforts.

4. Realistic planning: Having a clear deadline forces us to plan realistically, taking into account our available resources, commitments, and potential challenges. It encourages us to set achievable milestones and allocate our time and energy efficiently.

5. Growth and learning: Goals with expiration dates foster growth and learning. They prompt us to strive for continuous improvement, find innovative solutions, and learn from mistakes. Achieving goals within a specific timeframe allows us to celebrate successes and move forward, expanding our capabilities and setting new objectives.

While it's important to have long-term aspirations and visions, it's equally essential to break them down into attainable milestones with reasonable timelines. Setting goals that are clear, measurable, and time-bound provides structure, accountability, and a sense of direction, ultimately increasing our chances of success.

_______________ involves you imagining yourself achieving your final goal.

Question 2 options:

Process visualization

Outcome visualization

Backward goal setting

SMART goal setting

Outcome visualization

Someone who is __________ can recover from disappointments quickly.

Question 3 options:






SMART is an acronym for:

Question 4 options:

seek, measure, amenable, righteous, and timely

specific, measurable, attainable, rigorous and results-focused, and time-bound

specific, maneuverable, attainable, reformed, and time-bound

simplistic, measurable, attainable, rigid, and tenacious

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound

_____________ said that if you can dream it, you can do it.

Question 6 options:

Walt Disney


Thomas Edison

Selena Gomez

Walt Disney

JK Rowling was on welfare when she started writing the Harry Potter series and is now the first __________ author.