Which step should you do first when analyzing an information text?

A. Write a summary
B. Draw conclusions
C. Ask questions and take notes
D. Make inferences

C. Ask questions and take notes

C. Ask questions and take notes.

When analyzing an information text, the first step you should take is to ask questions and take notes. This step helps you identify the main ideas and key details in the text. It also helps you engage with the material and think critically about the information presented. By asking questions, you can clarify any confusion you have and gain a deeper understanding of the text. Taking notes allows you to organize your thoughts and refer back to them later for further analysis. Once you have completed this step, you can move on to the subsequent steps, such as writing a summary, drawing conclusions, and making inferences.

When analyzing an information text, the first step you should do is C. Ask questions and take notes. Here is why:

1. Start by reading the text thoroughly: Read the information text carefully to gain a good understanding of the content. Take note of any unfamiliar terms or concepts.

2. Ask questions: As you are reading, ask yourself questions about the text. What is the main idea? What is the author's purpose? What evidence or examples support the main points? Formulating questions will help guide your analysis and critical thinking.

3. Take notes: While reading, take notes to document key ideas, supporting details, and any connections you make. This helps in organizing your thoughts and identifying important information.

4. Identify the main points: After reading and taking notes, identify the main points or arguments presented in the text. Summarize the author's position or main idea in your own words.

5. Make inferences: Once you have a clear understanding of the text, you can move on to making inferences. Drawing conclusions based on the evidence provided by the author is an important step in analyzing an information text. This involves interpreting implicit information that is not explicitly stated in the text.

Finally, writing a summary (A) and drawing conclusions (B) are important steps in analyzing an information text, but they should come after asking questions, taking notes, and making inferences.