Maggie and her friends played an online trivia game. there scores at the end of the game were -1,3,0,-2,1,-3, and 4 points. A. List there scores from greatest to least. B. write an inequality to show the relationship between the largest value and the least value. C. Writ a statement interprets the inequality you wrote as a statement about the relative person of those on the number line. (2 points)


A. To list the scores from greatest to least, we arrange them in descending order: 4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3.

B. An inequality to show the relationship between the largest value (4) and the least value (-3) is: 4 > -3.

C. The inequality 4 > -3 means that the person with the highest score (4) is to the right of the person with the lowest score (-3) on the number line.

A. To list the scores from greatest to least, we sort the scores in descending order: 4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3.

B. To write an inequality showing the relationship between the largest value and the least value, we compare the values: 4 > -3. Therefore, the inequality is 4 > -3.

C. The inequality statement "4 > -3" means that the score of the person with the highest number of points (4) is greater than the score of the person with the fewest points (-3).

A. To list the scores from greatest to least, we simply arrange them in descending order:

4, 3, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3

B. To write an inequality showing the relationship between the largest and least value, we compare them using the greater than symbol (>).

Let's denote the largest value as "x" and the least value as "y".

x > y

C. The inequality x > y can be interpreted as "The largest score is greater than the least score" or "The person with the highest score is ranked higher than the person with the lowest score."