what is this number in standard for? 5.75 x 10^9


The number 5.75 x 10^9 in standard form is 5,750,000,000.

The number 5.75 x 10^9 in standard form is 5,750,000,000.

The number in standard form, 5.75 x 10^9, represents 5,750,000,000.

To interpret the number, you first need to understand scientific notation. In scientific notation, a number is expressed in the form "a x 10^n," where "a" is a number between 1 and 9.99 (inclusive), and "n" is an exponent representing the number of places the decimal point needs to be moved to the right (if positive) or left (if negative) to obtain the original number.

In this case, "a" is 5.75, and "n" is 9. To convert this number to standard form, you multiply "a" by 10 raised to the power of "n." So, 5.75 x 10^9 is equal to 5.75 multiplied by 10,000,000,000, which results in 5,750,000,000. Therefore, the correct answer is 5,750,000,000.