As early man explored the world around them and sought explanations for the events of their daily lives, they began to focus on

a divine
b. positive
d. generosity

a divine

Why was the Cave of Lascaux closed to the public in 1963? (1 point)

The Cave of Lascaux was closed to the public in 1963 to prevent damage and deterioration to the prehistoric paintings inside. The presence of visitors and environmental factors, such as moisture and carbon dioxide, were causing the paintings to deteriorate rapidly.

Why was the Cave of Lascaux closed to the public in 1963? (1 point)

a. The floor of the cave was becoming eroded.
b. colonies
c. vistors
d. both a and b

d. both a and b.

The Cave of Lascaux was closed to the public in 1963 due to the erosion of the cave's floor and the presence of colonies of microorganisms that were damaging the prehistoric paintings.

c. nature

The answer to this question is c. nature. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the question and look for clues within the options.

In this question, we are asked about what early man focused on as they explored the world and sought explanations for daily events. To find the answer, we need to consider which option aligns with this idea.

Option a. divine suggests a focus on the divine or supernatural, which may refer to religious or spiritual beliefs. While early man did often attribute events to higher powers or gods, this option does not specifically pertain to their exploration and seeking of explanations.

Option b. positive does not directly connect to early man's exploration or their search for explanations for daily events.

Option c. nature, on the other hand, seems highly relevant to early man's exploration and understanding of the world around them. They observed and studied the natural elements, such as the cycles of seasons, weather patterns, and the behavior of plants and animals, in order to discover explanations for the events they encountered on a daily basis. Early man's understanding of nature played a significant role in their survival and development.

Option d. generosity does not seem to fit the context of the question, as it does not relate to early man's exploration or their search for explanations.

Therefore, the answer is c. nature, as it aligns with the question and best reflects what early man focused on as they explored the world and sought explanations for daily events.