How do you say “These are the rooms” in Spanish

"Estas son las habitaciones"

To say "These are the rooms" in Spanish, you would say:

"Estas son las habitaciones."

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

1. "These" can be translated as "estas" in Spanish.
2. "Are" can be translated as "son" in Spanish.
3. Finally, "the rooms" can be translated as "las habitaciones" in Spanish.

So, putting it all together, you get: "Estas son las habitaciones."

To say "These are the rooms" in Spanish, you would say "Estas son las habitaciones." Here's how to break it down:

1. "These" in Spanish is "estas," which is the feminine plural form of "este" (this).
2. "Are" in Spanish is "son," the third-person plural form of the verb "ser" (to be).
3. "The" in Spanish can be translated as "las" when referring to feminine plural nouns.
4. "Rooms" in Spanish is "habitaciones," which is the feminine plural form of "habitación" (room).

So, when you combine these elements, you get "Estas son las habitaciones" for "These are the rooms" in Spanish.