The author creates a tone of regret in the poem “On Turning Ten.” Which line best demonstrates the tone of regret? Select all that apply.

1. “Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul”
2. “The perfect simplicity of being one”
3. “But now I am mostly at the window”
4. “You tell me it is too early to be looking back”

1. “Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul”

4. “You tell me it is too early to be looking back”

The line that best demonstrates the tone of regret in the poem "On Turning Ten" is:

4. "You tell me it is too early to be looking back"

To determine which lines in the poem "On Turning Ten" best demonstrate the tone of regret, we first need to understand the meaning behind each line.

1. "Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul": This line vividly describes the negative impact of growing older on the speaker's emotional state, suggesting a sense of regret.

2. "The perfect simplicity of being one": This line does not directly illustrate regret, but rather emphasizes the innocence and ease of early childhood, which can be seen as a point of contrast to the speaker's older age.

3. "But now I am mostly at the window": This line suggests a sense of longing or yearning for something that is no longer attainable, indicating regret or nostalgia.

4. "You tell me it is too early to be looking back": This line directly mentions looking back, indicating a concern for reflecting on the past, which can be interpreted as regret.

Based on these explanations, lines 1 and 3 best demonstrate the tone of regret.