In 3–5 sentences, analyze two things that caused the fall of the Han Dynasty and one of the effects of its collapse.(4 points)

Two major factors that led to the fall of the Han Dynasty were internal corruption and external invasions. Corruption within the government undermined the authority of the central administration and weakened the moral fiber of the empire. Simultaneously, invasions from nomadic tribes such as the Xiongnu and internal rebellions led to the decline of the dynasty's military prowess. One of the effects of the collapse of the Han Dynasty was the fragmentation of China into several competing kingdoms, leading to a period of political instability and disunity known as the Three Kingdoms period.

Two factors that contributed to the fall of the Han Dynasty were political corruption and social unrest. The dynasty faced significant challenges as government officials became increasingly corrupt, leading to ineffective governance and widespread dissatisfaction among the population. Additionally, social unrest fueled rebellions and uprisings that weakened the dynasty's authority. One of the effects of the Han Dynasty's collapse was the fragmentation of China into several smaller states, leading to a period of disunity and conflict known as the Three Kingdoms period.

Two things that caused the fall of the Han Dynasty were political corruption and social unrest. Political corruption was rampant, as influential eunuchs held significant power and manipulated the emperor, leading to ineffective governance. The peasants, burdened by heavy taxes and forced labor, revolted, causing social upheaval. Another effect of the Han Dynasty's collapse was the division of China into three kingdoms, marking the beginning of the period known as the Three Kingdoms era. This era was characterized by prolonged conflict and political fragmentation, leading to a decline in centralized control and a prolonged period of instability in China.

To get more information on these causes and effects, you can refer to historical sources, books, or scholarly articles on the fall of the Han Dynasty. These sources will provide in-depth analysis, primary and secondary accounts, and scholarly interpretations of the events that led to the dynasty's downfall and its subsequent consequences.