In 1–2 sentences, explain how the cultural practices of river valley civilizations connect to classical civilizations.(2 points)

The cultural practices of river valley civilizations, such as the emphasis on agriculture and the development of complex political and social structures, laid the foundations for the cultural, political, and social advancements seen in classical civilizations.

The cultural practices of river valley civilizations, such as agriculture, social hierarchies, and religious beliefs, laid the foundation for many aspects of classical civilizations, including the development of complex political systems, artistic and architectural achievements, and the establishment of organized religions.

The cultural practices of river valley civilizations, such as agriculture, centralized government, and written language, laid the foundation for the development of classical civilizations by influencing their social, political, and economic structures.

To explain this further, we can look at the following points:
1. Agriculture: River valley civilizations, like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and the Indus Valley people, developed advanced agricultural practices that enabled them to thrive and support larger populations. This agricultural knowledge was passed down and improved upon by subsequent classical civilizations, leading to increased food production and societal development.
2. Centralized Government: The river valley civilizations established strong centralized political systems to manage their resources, maintain social order, and undertake large-scale projects like irrigation and public works. These principles of governance were adopted and adapted by classical civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese, who developed sophisticated political structures and administrative institutions.
3. Written Language: River valley civilizations created some of the earliest known writing systems, such as cuneiform in Mesopotamia, hieroglyphics in Egypt, and the script of the Indus Valley. These written languages allowed for record-keeping, communication, and the preservation of knowledge. Classical civilizations inherited and built upon these writing systems, developing their own scripts and using them for a wide range of purposes like literature, law, and administration.

In summary, the cultural practices of river valley civilizations provided a basis for the subsequent development of classical civilizations by influencing various aspects of their societies, including agriculture, governance, and communication systems. Studying these earlier civilizations helps us trace the origins and evolution of cultural practices that continue to shape our world today.