What was unique about priests in Sumerian society?

(1 point)

They were not allowed to farm.

They were not allowed to farm.

They were females chosen from an early age.

They were females chosen from an early age.

They were the only ones who could communicate with the gods.

They were the only ones who could communicate with the gods.

They were responsible for the Sumerian advancements in bronze.

They were the only ones who could communicate with the gods.

The correct answer is:

They were the only ones who could communicate with the gods.

In Sumerian society, priests held a unique role and had distinct responsibilities. One of the unique aspects about priests in Sumerian society is that they were the only ones who could communicate with the gods. They acted as intermediaries between the mortal world and the divine realm, and they had the ability to perform rituals and interpret signs from the gods.

To understand what was unique about priests in Sumerian society, we can study ancient Sumerian texts such as the "Hymn to Ninkasi" or the "Instructions of Shuruppak." These sources provide detailed information about the role and responsibilities of priests.

Additionally, priests in Sumerian society were an exclusive group with specialized knowledge and training. They were often chosen from an early age and underwent rigorous education to learn the complex rituals and rites associated with religious practices. This education included learning about ancient myths, prayers, and formulas necessary for communicating with the gods.

While it is true that priests were not involved in farming activities, this was not the unique aspect of their role. Many other individuals in Sumerian society were involved in agriculture and farming, but only priests had the important duty of maintaining a connection with the gods.

The claim that priestesses were chosen from an early age is incorrect. While the role of priestess existed in some ancient civilizations, particularly in later periods, there is no evidence to suggest that this was the case for Sumerian society.

Regarding the claim that priests were responsible for Sumerian advancements in bronze, it is important to note that technological advancements, including the development of bronze, were driven by various factors such as trade, craftsmanship, and state patronage. While priests may have played a role in facilitating some advancements, it was not solely their responsibility.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "What was unique about priests in Sumerian society?" is that they were the only ones who could communicate with the gods and act as intermediaries between the divine and mortal realms.

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