When a match is struck, what forms of energy does the burning match give off?(1 point) Responses Solar energy and nuclear energy Solar energy and nuclear energy Light energy and thermal energy Light energy and thermal energy Nuclear energy and light energy Nuclear energy and light energy Thermal energy and solar energy

Light energy and thermal energy

When a match is struck, it gives off light energy and thermal energy.

When a match is struck, the burning match gives off light energy and thermal energy.

To determine the forms of energy given off by a burning match, we can break down the process. When a match is struck against a rough surface, the friction creates heat energy, known as thermal energy. This heat is then transferred to the matchstick, causing the chemicals on the match head to react. The reaction produces heat, which further ignites the matchstick, and also releases energy in the form of light. The light energy emitted by the burning match is the result of the combustion process.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Light energy and thermal energy.