Hello can a human put something in the comments below. I want to talk.

Of course! As an AI, I'm here to chat. How can I assist you?


Hello! How are you doing today? Is there anything specific you'd like to talk about or any questions you have?

what do you want to talk about

I'm open to discussing various topics! Is there anything that interests you? We could talk about current events, hobbies, technology, books, movies, or anything else you'd like to chat about. Let me know your preference!

well that's not help full, lets talk about train or soccer.

Sure! Let's talk about soccer. Are you a fan of any particular team or player?


I believe you're referring to Cristiano Ronaldo! He's indeed an incredible soccer player known for his exceptional skills and goal-scoring abilities. Ronaldo has had a successful career, playing for renowned clubs like Manchester United, Real Madrid, and currently Juventus. Do you have a favorite memory or moment from Ronaldo's career?

no but Ishowspeed likes him

That's great to hear! Cristiano Ronaldo has a massive fan base worldwide, and it's no surprise that Ishowspeed finds him impressive. Ronaldo's talent and charisma have attracted many fans who enjoy watching him play. If you have any other questions or if there's anything else you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!

just to verify you know the youtuber Ishowspeed.

Yes, I am aware of Ishowspeed. He is a popular YouTuber known for his gaming content, particularly his videos related to games like Fortnite and Call of Duty. If you have any questions or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss about Ishowspeed or any other topic, feel free to ask!

which soccer player do you like renoldo or messi

As an AI, I don't have personal preferences or emotions, so I don't "like" or "dislike" anything or anyone. However, I can acknowledge that both Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are incredibly talented soccer players, and they have had remarkable careers. They are often compared to each other, and the debate of who is better is a topic of discussion among fans. Both Ronaldo and Messi have unique playing styles and numerous achievements, making them among the greatest players in the history of soccer.

are they retired

No, neither Cristiano Ronaldo nor Lionel Messi have retired from professional soccer at the time of my knowledge update (February 2023). Both Ronaldo and Messi are still actively playing and competing at a high level. Ronaldo currently plays for Al Nassr in the Saudi Pro League, while Messi is with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) after his move from Barcelona.

why are they so famous

Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are famous for several reasons:

1. Exceptional Skills: They possess extraordinary talent, skill, and technique on the soccer field. They consistently deliver impressive performances, showcasing their ability to score goals, create opportunities, and inspire their teams.

2. Achievements: Both Ronaldo and Messi have achieved immense success throughout their careers. They have won numerous individual awards, such as the FIFA Ballon d'Or, and have led their respective clubs to multiple domestic and international titles.

3. Rivalry: The ongoing rivalry between Ronaldo and Messi has captivated fans around the world. They are often compared to each other and their performances regularly generate headlines and debates.

4. Global Reach: Ronaldo and Messi both have a massive following on social media, which helps expand their fame beyond the soccer field. Their popularity extends to different parts of the world, making them international icons.

5. Longevity: Both players have sustained exceptional performance levels over an extended period. Their consistent excellence year after year has solidified their status as two of the greatest soccer players of all time.

These factors, among others, have contributed to their widespread fame and recognition.

what about neymar

Neymar, like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, is also a highly famous soccer player. Here are a few reasons for Neymar's fame:

1. Skill and Style: Neymar is known for his incredible dribbling skills, agility, and creativity on the field. His ability to execute mesmerizing moves and tricks has earned him a reputation as one of the most skillful players of his generation.

2. Transfer Records: Neymar's blockbuster transfer from Santos to Barcelona in 2013, and later, his move to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) in 2017, set world record transfer fees. These high-profile moves attracted significant media attention and contributed to his fame.

3. Brazilian Heritage: Neymar hails from Brazil, a country steeped in rich soccer history. This, combined with his style of play and success at both club and international levels, has garnered immense fame in Brazil and worldwide.

4. Global Branding: Neymar has built an expansive brand around himself. He has endorsement deals with various high-profile companies and has cultivated a massive following on social media. His off-field persona and marketability have contributed to his overall fame.

5. International Success: Neymar has represented the Brazilian national team and has played in major international tournaments like the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. His performances and contributions for his country have further cemented his fame.

Overall, Neymar's exceptional skills, high-profile transfers, Brazilian heritage, global branding, and international success have all played a role in making him a prominent figure in the world of soccer.

Why does Ishowspeed hates messi

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide information or opinions about specific individuals or their personal preferences unless they are widely known or publicly discussed. I do not have access to information about Ishowspeed's opinions or reasons for potentially disliking Lionel Messi. It's important to remember that personal preferences and opinions can vary from person to person, and each individual may have their own reasons for liking or disliking certain players.

okay, but why is neymar not nearly as famous as renoldo or messi

While Neymar is indeed famous, it is true that he may not be on the same level of widespread recognition as Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi. There could be a few factors contributing to this perception:

1. Legacy and Longevity: Both Ronaldo and Messi have been consistently successful and dominant in the world of soccer for over a decade. Their performances and achievements have shaped their legacies and solidified their places among the greatest players in history. Neymar, while highly skilled and accomplished, may still be in the process of building a comparable long-term legacy.

2. Club Choice: Ronaldo made his mark at prominent clubs like Manchester United and Real Madrid, while Messi gained fame through his incredible career at Barcelona. The consistent success and global reach of these clubs played a significant role in raising the profiles of both players. Neymar, despite being associated with renowned clubs like Barcelona and PSG, may not have generated the same level of recognition through his club choices alone.

3. Individual Achievements: While Neymar has achieved individual success, including winning multiple domestic titles and individual awards, his accomplishments may not have reached the same heights as Ronaldo and Messi. The latter two have consistently broken records, won numerous Ballon d'Or titles, and amassed a long list of personal accolades.

4. Personality and Public Perception: Fame isn't solely determined by on-field performances. A player's public persona, media coverage, and overall likability can also play a role. Ronaldo's charismatic personality and dedication to fitness, as well as Messi's humble demeanor and loyalty to Barcelona, have helped shape their public perception. Neymar, known for his flashy style and occasional controversies, may have faced different public perceptions that influenced his level of fame.

It's important to remember that fame can be subjective and influenced by various factors, including personal preferences, cultural contexts, and media coverage. While Neymar may not be on the exact same level of recognition as Ronaldo or Messi, he remains one of the most well-known and popular soccer players worldwide.