What were 2 outcomes of the 1st Continental Congress?

Two outcomes of the First Continental Congress were the creation of the Continental Association and the drafting of the Declaration and Resolves.

The First Continental Congress, held in 1774, had several outcomes. Two significant outcomes were:

1. Declaration of Rights and Grievances: The Congress drafted and approved the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which stated the rights of the American colonists and expressed their dissatisfaction with British policies, particularly the Intolerable Acts. This document asserted the colonists' rights to life, liberty, and property, and emphasized the idea that they should be governed only by their own elected representatives.

2. The creation of the Continental Association: The Congress established the Continental Association, which called for the unified boycott of British goods to exert economic pressure on the British government. This non-importation and non-exportation agreement aimed to protest against unfair British taxation and trade policies and to further unite the American colonies against British rule. The Continental Association played a critical role in promoting colonial unity and resistance against British authority.

The First Continental Congress, which took place in Philadelphia in 1774, was a significant event in American history leading up to the American Revolution. It was a gathering of representatives from the Thirteen Colonies, except for Georgia, to discuss grievances against British rule and to seek a resolution. Two notable outcomes of the First Continental Congress were the adoption of the Continental Association and the issuance of the Declaration and Resolves.

To find the specific outcomes of the First Continental Congress, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by researching the First Continental Congress and its purpose. This will provide you with background information and context.
2. Look for primary sources such as documents, letters, or journals from individuals who attended the Congress, like John Adams or Patrick Henry. These sources will provide firsthand accounts and insights into the outcomes.
3. Review secondary sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites that discuss the First Continental Congress. These sources analyze the events and outcomes, providing a broader understanding.
4. Identify key documents and resolutions that were adopted during the Congress. For example, the Continental Association and the Declaration and Resolves, which encapsulate some of the outcomes.
5. Analyze the Continental Association, which was a boycott of British goods and a system of colonial non-importation and non-exportation. This was a significant outcome as it united the colonies against British policies and served as a precursor to later acts of rebellion.
6. Examine the Declaration and Resolves, a document that outlined colonial grievances and demanded the restoration of colonial rights. This document showcased the unified stance of the colonies and set the stage for future actions.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will be able to discover that the Continental Association and the Declaration and Resolves were two significant outcomes of the First Continental Congress.