Which set of numbers are equivalent?


A 0.4, 4%, 410
0.4, 4%, 4 10

B 0.062, 62%, 621000
0.062, 62%, 62 1000

C 0.80, 80%, 45
0.80, 80%, 4 5

D 0.84, 84%, 1084

C 0.80, 80%, 45

0.80, 80%, 4 5

The correct set of numbers that are equivalent is:

A 0.4, 4%, 410
0.4, 4%, 4 10

To determine which set of numbers are equivalent, we need to compare the values and their representations in different formats.

Let's analyze each set:

Set A: 0.4, 4%, 410
- The decimal representation is 0.4.
- The percentage representation is 4%.
- The integer representation is 410.

Set B: 0.062, 62%, 621000
- The decimal representation is 0.062.
- The percentage representation is 62%.
- The integer representation is 621000.

Set C: 0.80, 80%, 45
- The decimal representation is 0.80.
- The percentage representation is 80%.
- The integer representation is 45.

Set D: 0.84, 84%, 1084
- The decimal representation is 0.84.
- The percentage representation is 84%.
- The integer representation is 1084.

Now, let's compare the values within each set:

Set A contains 0.4, 4%, and 410.
Set B contains 0.062, 62%, and 621000.
Set C contains 0.80, 80%, and 45.
Set D contains 0.84, 84%, and 1084.

We can see that in each set, the decimal and percentage representations match each other. However, the integer representation differs for each set.

Therefore, the set of numbers that are equivalent is Set A, which consists of 0.4, 4%, and 410.