Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

Joad said, “Sure, I remember you. You used to give a good meeting. I recollect one time you give a whole sermon walking around on your hands, yelling your head off. Ma liked you more than anybody. An’ Granma says you was just full of the spirit.”

What does this character do for a living?

works as a preacher

works as a boss

works in the circus

works in a carnival

A. works as a preacher

Based on the passage, the character mentioned used to give a whole sermon walking around on their hands and yelling their head off. This suggests that the character worked as a preacher (option A).

To determine what this character does for a living, we need to analyze the given passage. The passage suggests that this character used to give meetings, give sermons, and was liked by Ma and Granma. From this information, we can infer that this character works as a preacher (Option A) who gives religious talks and sermons.