What is text organization?(1 point)


the method an author uses to present information in writing
the method an author uses to present information in writing

the reason an author is writing
the reason an author is writing

the style in which an author is writing
the style in which an author is writing

the attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience

the method an author uses to present information in writing

How does text organization help an author achieve the desired purpose? (1 point)


The text structure allows an author to avoid conveying a certain tone in the writing.
The text structure allows an author to avoid conveying a certain tone in the writing.

The text structure allows an author to have a specific point of view.
The text structure allows an author to have a specific point of view.

The text structure allows an author to explain information in a formal way.
The text structure allows an author to explain information in a formal way.

The text structure allows an author to present information in a way that supports an argument.

The text structure allows an author to present information in a way that supports an argument.

Text organization refers to the method an author uses to present information in writing. It involves how the text is structured, the order in which ideas are presented, and the overall flow of the content.

Text organization refers to the method an author employs to present information in their writing. It encompasses various techniques and structures used to arrange and structure the content of a text. There are different ways authors can organize their writing, such as chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, problem-solution, and so on. These organizational techniques help the readers understand the message more effectively and make the writing more coherent. Therefore, the correct answer is:

- The method an author uses to present information in writing.