8. The distance from Mercury to the sun is about 35000000miles

The distance from the Earth to the sub is about 58 * 10 ^ 7 farther. What is the distance from Earth to the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place. \ * 10 ^ 7 miles

The distance from Earth to the sun is:

(35 * 10^6) + (58 * 10^7) = (35000000) + (580000000) = 615000000 miles

Written in scientific notation to 1 decimal place, the distance from Earth to the sun is:

6.2 * 10^8 miles.

To calculate the distance from Earth to the sun, we need to add the distance between Mercury and the sun to the distance between Earth and Mercury.

Distance from Mercury to the Sun = 35,000,000 miles
Distance from Earth to Mercury = 58 * 10^7 miles

First, we add the two distances together:

35,000,000 + 58 * 10^7 = 35,000,000 + 580,000,000 = 615,000,000 miles

The distance from Earth to the sun is 615,000,000 miles.

Writing this distance in scientific notation to 1 decimal place:

6.2 * 10^8 miles

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, you need to subtract the distance from Mercury to the sun from the given distance from Earth to the sun.

Distance from Mercury to the sun = 35,000,000 miles

Distance from Earth to the sun = 58 * 10^7 miles

First, convert the scientific notation to decimal notation:
58 * 10^7 = 580,000,000

Next, subtract the distance from Mercury to the sun from the distance from Earth to the sun:
Distance from Earth to the sun - Distance from Mercury to the sun = 580,000,000 - 35,000,000

Simplifying the subtraction:
545,000,000 miles

Lastly, express the answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place:
5.5 * 10^8 miles