3. Emma is keeping track of how many hours per day she watches television. The bar graph below shows the results.

How many hours did Emma watch television during the week graphed below?

21 hours
25 hours
3 hours
26 hours

Based on the bar graph, Emma watched television for 3 hours per day.

To find the total number of hours she watched during the week, we can add up the number of hours for each day:

3 hours/day x 7 days/week = <<3*7=21>>21 hours.

Therefore, Emma watched television for 21 hours during the week graphed below.

To determine how many hours Emma watched television during the week, you need to add up the total number of hours represented by the bars in the graph. Since the options provided in the question are not visible, I cannot accurately determine the answer. Please provide the options so I can assist you further.

To determine how many hours Emma watched television during the week, we need to interpret the bar graph.

Look for the values represented by each bar on the graph. Each bar represents the number of hours Emma watched television on a specific day.

Based on the graph, identify the height of each bar and add up the values for each day of the week. From the given options, it appears that Emma watched:

- 21 hours on the first day
- 25 hours on the second day
- 3 hours on the third day
- 26 hours on the fourth day

Add up these values to find the total number of hours Emma watched television during the week.

21 + 25 + 3 + 26 = 75

Therefore, Emma watched 75 hours of television during the week.

The answer is 75 hours.