(8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5)

To simplify the expression (8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5), we follow the order of operations, also known as BEDMAS or PEMDAS:

First, we simplify the multiplication within the fractions:

(8/9) x (-3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

(1/9) x (-4/5) = -4/45

For the division, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(-2/3) / (-4/45) = (-2/3) x (-45/4) = 90/12 = 15/2

Finally, we divide the result by (3/5):

(15/2) / (3/5) = (15/2) x (5/3) = 75/6 = 25/2 = 12.5

Therefore, the simplified value of the expression (8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5) is 12.5.

thats not the correct answer :(

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let's simplify the expression correctly.

We have:

(8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5)

To start, let's simplify the multiplication within the fractions:

(8/9) x (-3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

(1/9) x (-4/5) = -4/45

Now, let's evaluate the divisions, multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(-2/3) / (-4/45) = (-2/3) x (-45/4) = 90/12 = 15/2

Lastly, let's divide by (3/5):

(15/2) / (3/5) = (15/2) x (5/3) = 75/6 = 25/2 = 12.5

Apologies for the confusion. The correct simplified value of the expression (8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5) is indeed 12.5.

its still not correct

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's simplify the expression correctly.

We have:

(8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5)

Let's simplify the multiplication within the fractions:

(8/9) x (-3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

(1/9) x (-4/5) = -4/45

Now, let's evaluate the divisions, multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(-2/3) / (-4/45) = (-2/3) x (-45/4)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

= [(-2) x (-45)] / [(3) x (4)]

= [90] / [12]

= 15/2

Finally, let's divide by (3/5):

(15/2) / (3/5) = (15/2) x (5/3)

Again, multiplying the numerators and denominators:

= (15 x 5) / (2 x 3)

= 75/6

Simplifying the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:

= (25 x 3) / (2 x 3)

= 25/2

Therefore, the correct simplified value of the expression (8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5) is 25/2 or 12.5.

To simplify the expression (8/9) x (-3/4) / (1/9) x (-4/5) / (3/5), follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators (top numbers) together.
(8/9) x (-3/4) = (-24/36)

Step 2: Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) together.
(1/9) x (-4/5) = (-4/45)

Step 3: Divide the results from Step 1 and Step 2.
(-24/36) / (-4/45) = (-24/36) x (45/-4)

Step 4: Simplify the fractions.
(-24/36) = (-2/3) and (45/-4) can be further simplified to (-45/4).

Step 5: Multiply the simplified fractions together.
(-2/3) x (-45/4) = (2/3) x (45/4)

Step 6: Multiply the numerators together, and the denominators together.
(2/3) x (45/4) = (2 x 45) / (3 x 4)

Step 7: Calculate the result.
(2 x 45) = 90, and (3 x 4) = 12
So, the final result is 90/12, which can be simplified to 15/2.