Pronunciation of all the Alphabet in French

A – ah

B – bay
C – say
D – day
E – uh
F – eff
G – zhay
H – ash
I – ee
J – zhay
K – kah
L – ell
M – em
N – en
O – oh
P – pay
Q – koo
R – air
S – ess
T – tay
U – ooh
V – vay
W – doobl-vay
X – eeks
Y – ee-grek
Z – zed

Sure, here is the pronunciation of all the letters of the French alphabet:

A - [ah]
B - [bay]
C - [say]
D - [day]
E - [uh] or [eh]
F - [eff]
G - [zhay]
H - [ash]
I - [ee]
J - [zhay]
K - [kah]
L - [ell]
M - [emm]
N - [enn]
O - [oh]
P - [pay]
Q - [ku]
R - [air]
S - [ess]
T - [tay]
U - [oo]
V - [vay]
W - [dubl-vay]
X - [eeks]
Y - [ee-grek]
Z - [zed]

Note: The pronunciation can vary slightly depending on the region and accent.

To learn the pronunciation of all the alphabets in French, it is important to recognize that some letters are pronounced differently in specific contexts or in combination with other letters. Here is a list of all the alphabets in French along with their pronunciation:

A - [ah]: Pronounced similar to "a" in "car".

B - [bay]: Pronounced like "b" in English.

C - [say]: Pronounced like "s" in "sun" before "e", "i", "y". Pronounced like "k" in "kite" before other letters.

D - [day]: Pronounced like "d" in English.

E - [uh]: Pronounced similar to "u" in "sun".

F - [eff]: Pronounced like "f" in English.

G - [zhay]: Pronounced like the "s" in "pleasure" before "e", "i", "y". Pronounced like "g" in "goat" before other letters.

H - [ash]: Generally not pronounced but can occasionally give a slight H-sound to the preceding vowel.

I - [ee]: Pronounced similar to "ee" in "see".

J - [zhay]: Pronounced like the "s" in "pleasure".

K - [kah]: Pronounced like "k" in English.

L - [ell]: Pronounced like "l" in English.

M - [emm]: Pronounced like "m" in English.

N - [enn]: Pronounced like "n" in English.

O - [oh]: Pronounced similar to "o" in "goat".

P - [pay]: Pronounced like "p" in English.

Q - [coo]: Pronounced like "k" in English.

R - [air]: Pronounced with a rolled "r" sound.

S - [ess]: Pronounced like "s" in English.

T - [tay]: Pronounced like "t" in English.

U - [oo]: Pronounced similar to "oo" in "moon".

V - [vay]: Pronounced like "v" in English.

W - [doo-bluh-vay]: Pronounced like "w" in English.

X - [eeks]: Pronounced like "x" in English.

Y - [ee-grek]: Pronounced like "ee" in "see".

Z - [zed]: Pronounced like "z" in English.

Remember, the pronunciation may slightly vary depending on the regional accents and individual speaker preferences.