Which of the following molecules is responsible for the fact that parents who can taste PTC will most often have children who can taste PTC? (1 point) Responses Proteins Proteins Lipids Lipids Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates

The molecule responsible for the fact that parents who can taste PTC will most often have children who can taste PTC is not listed among the given options. The molecule in question is a specific taste receptor gene, TAS2R38, which codes for a protein receptor that detects the bitterness of PTC (phenylthiocarbamide).

The molecule responsible for the fact that parents who can taste PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) will most often have children who can taste PTC is Nucleic Acids.

The molecule responsible for the inheritance of the ability to taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is primarily determined by the nucleic acids.

To understand why, we need to explore the concept of genetics and the inheritance of traits. Human traits, such as the ability to taste certain substances, are determined by our genetic material, specifically DNA. DNA is made up of nucleic acids, which are composed of nucleotide building blocks.

Within the DNA, there are sections called genes that code for the production of proteins. Proteins are large molecules made up of amino acids and are responsible for many essential functions in our body, including controlling various traits.

In the case of PTC tasting, there is a specific gene known as TAS2R38 that determines an individual's ability to taste PTC. Variations in this gene result in different versions of the TAS2R38 protein, which affects the taste perception of PTC.

If both parents have the ability to taste PTC, it means that they possess at least one copy of the TAS2R38 gene that codes for the protein involved in PTC tasting. When they have children, each parent passes on one copy of their TAS2R38 gene to their offspring. Consequently, the children have a high chance of inheriting the ability to taste PTC if both parents contribute the gene variant associated with PTC tasting.

Therefore, from the given options, nucleic acids are responsible for the fact that parents who can taste PTC will most often have children who can taste PTC.