Write “you need to study for english class” formally in spanish

Necesita estudiar para la clase de inglés.

Debes estudiar para la clase de inglés.

To write "You need to study for English class" formally in Spanish, you can say "Usted necesita estudiar para la clase de inglés."

Here's how you can break it down and understand the translation:

1. "You" - In formal Spanish, you would use "Usted" to address the second person singular.

2. "Need" - The word "need" translates to "necesitar" in Spanish.

3. "To study" - The infinitive form of "to study" is "estudiar" in Spanish.

4. "For" - The preposition "for" translates to "para" in Spanish.

5. "English class" - "English class" is "la clase de inglés" in Spanish. In this phrase, "clase" means "class," and "inglés" means "English."

By combining these elements, you arrive at the translation "Usted necesita estudiar para la clase de inglés" for "You need to study for English class" formally in Spanish.