Which of the following describes active voice?(1 point)


voice of writing using the past tense
voice of writing using the past tense

voice used in writing in which the subject of a sentence does the action
voice used in writing in which the subject of a sentence does the action

voice of writing using the present tense
voice of writing using the present tense

voice used in writing in which the subject of the sentence receives the action

voice used in writing in which the subject of a sentence does the action

The correct answer is: voice used in writing in which the subject of a sentence does the action.

The correct response that describes active voice is "voice used in writing in which the subject of a sentence does the action."

To identify the active voice, it is essential to understand the basic structure of a sentence. A sentence typically consists of a subject, a verb, and an object. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action denoted by the verb on the object. This structure makes the sentence more direct and concise.

For example, consider the following sentence: "John threw the ball." In this sentence, "John" is the subject, "threw" is the verb, and "the ball" is the object. The subject ("John") is doing the action ("threw") on the object ("the ball"). This sentence is written in active voice.

In contrast, in passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action rather than performing it. The structure of the sentence is usually "object + verb + subject." Passive voice is often seen as less direct and can be wordier.

For example, the same sentence in passive voice would be: "The ball was thrown by John." In this sentence, "the ball" is the subject, "was thrown" is the verb, and "by John" indicates who performed the action. The subject ("the ball") is receiving the action ("was thrown") instead of performing it.