What is the missing number in the sequence shown below?

1 - 8 - 27 - ? - 125 - 216

The missing number in the sequence is 64.

The sequence is formed by taking the cube of each number.

1^3 = 1
2^3 = 8
3^3 = 27
4^3 = 64 (missing number)
5^3 = 125
6^3 = 216

18. Which one of the following things is the least like the others?


The least like the others in the given options is Flower.

The first four options (Poem, Novel, Painting, Statue) are all forms of artistic expression or creations made by humans. They involve the use of language, visual representation, or sculpting to convey a message or produce an aesthetic experience.

In contrast, a Flower is a living organism and a part of the natural world. It is not a human creation, and it does not involve the intentional use of artistic techniques to convey a message or provoke a specific reaction.

To find the missing number in the sequence, let's analyze the pattern:

Each number in the sequence is obtained by raising consecutive integers to the power of 3.

1^3 = 1
2^3 = 8
3^3 = 27
4^3 = ? (missing number)
5^3 = 125
6^3 = 216

Knowing this pattern, we can determine the missing number by calculating 4^3:

4^3 = 4 × 4 × 4 = 64

Therefore, the missing number in the sequence is 64.

To find the missing number in the sequence, we need to look for a pattern or relationship between the given numbers. In this sequence, we can observe that each number is a perfect cube.

The first term, 1, is the cube of 1. The second term, 8, is the cube of 2. The third term, 27, is the cube of 3. The fourth term, which is missing, should be the cube of 4 (4^3 = 64).

Therefore, the missing number in the given sequence is 64.