Which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth?

The statement "Thermal energy flows from the core to the crust of the Earth" is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth.

The correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is that it primarily occurs through convection.

To determine the correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth, we can rely on scientific knowledge and understanding. The flow of thermal energy within Earth is primarily driven by several processes, including conduction, convection, and radiation. Let's examine each process to understand their role in the flow of thermal energy:

1. Conduction: This process involves the transfer of thermal energy through direct contact between materials. In Earth's interior, heat is conducted through the solid rocks and minerals. This process plays a minor role in the overall energy transfer because the Earth's crust is relatively thin compared to the other layers.

2. Convection: Convection is the primary mechanism responsible for the flow of thermal energy inside the Earth. It involves the movement of hot materials, such as molten rock (magma) in the mantle, due to differences in temperature and density. This convective motion forms convection cells where hot material rises while cooler material sinks. This process drives the Earth's plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and the circulation of the mantle.

3. Radiation: Although radiation plays a role in the transfer of thermal energy, it is not the primary mechanism inside the Earth. Radiation involves the emission and absorption of electromagnetic waves. In Earth's interior, radiation contributes minimally to the overall heat transfer because the rocks and minerals are not efficient at radiating heat.

Based on this understanding, the correct statement about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is that convection is the most significant process responsible for the transfer of heat.