The establishment of what government was greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke?(1 point)


the monarchy of England
the monarchy of England

the republic of the United States
the republic of the United States

the English republic
the English republic

the monarchy of the United States

the republic of the United States

you were wrong

I apologize for the error. The correct answer is the republic of the United States. John Locke's writings, particularly his ideas on natural rights, individual liberty, and limited government, were influential in the development of the United States' republican form of government.

The establishment of the republic of the United States was greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke.

The correct answer is "the republic of the United States." John Locke's writings, particularly his book "Two Treatises of Government," had a significant influence on the founding fathers of the United States and the establishment of a republican form of government.

To arrive at this answer, you can use a combination of knowledge about John Locke's philosophy and the historical context of the United States' formation. John Locke was a prominent 17th-century English philosopher who advocated for natural rights, limited government, and the social contract theory. His ideas on the rights and liberties of individuals, the consent of the governed, and the division of powers greatly influenced the American Revolution and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.

By understanding the key principles of Locke's political philosophy and their influence on the political thought of the American founding fathers, you can conclude that it was the republic of the United States that was greatly influenced by John Locke's writings.