se long division to convert 6715 to a decimal.(1 point)


approximately equals 6.47

approximately equals 0.46

approximately equals 6.14285



To convert 6715 to a decimal using long division, you would perform the following steps:

1. Divide the first digit (6) of 6715 by the divisor (10). The quotient is 0.

10 | 6 7 1 5

2. Bring down the next digit (7) and divide it by the divisor (10). The quotient is 0.

10 | 6 7 1 5
0 0

3. Bring down the next digit (1) and divide it by the divisor (10). The quotient is 0.

10 | 6 7 1 5
0 0 0

4. Bring down the last digit (5) and divide it by the divisor (10). The quotient is 0.

10 | 6 7 1 5
0 0 0 0

5. Since all the digits have been divided by the divisor and the remainders are all 0, the resulting decimal is 6.715.

Therefore, the correct answer is 6.715.

To convert 6715 to a decimal using long division, you would divide 6715 by the desired place value. Let's say we want to convert it to the tenths place value.

1. Begin by setting up the long division problem with 6715 divided by 10 (the desired place value):
10 | 6715

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (6) by the divisor (10). The result is 0 with a remainder of 6.
10 | 6715
- 0

3. Bring down the next digit (7) and add it to the remainder (6). This gives us a new number, 67.

4. Divide 67 by 10. The result is 6 with a remainder of 7.
10 | 6715
- 0

5. Bring down the next digit (1) and add it to the remainder (7). This gives us a new number, 71.

6. Divide 71 by 10. The result is 7 with a remainder of 1.
10 | 6715
- 0

7. Bring down the last digit (5) and add it to the remainder (1). This gives us a new number, 15.

8. Divide 15 by 10. The result is 1 with a remainder of 5.
10 | 6715
- 0

9. Since we have no more digits to bring down, we can stop here. The decimal representation of 6715, when rounded to the tenths place, is approximately 671.5.

Therefore, the correct option is 6.715.