Robert is know to hit,push and shove other children on the play ground. The children are also complaining that he takes their lunch and damages their book.

Which type of bullying is Robert engaging in

Based on the provided information, Robert is engaging in both physical bullying (hitting, pushing, shoving) and verbal bullying (taking lunch, damaging books).

Based on the description, Robert is engaging in physical bullying and also exhibiting aggressive behavior by taking other children's lunch and damaging their books.

Based on the information provided, Robert is engaging in a combination of physical bullying and verbal bullying.

Physical bullying refers to any form of aggressive behavior that involves physical contact, such as hitting, pushing, or shoving. In this case, Robert is hitting, pushing, and shoving other children on the playground, which falls under the category of physical bullying.

Verbal bullying, on the other hand, involves using words to hurt, threaten, or harass others. Although not explicitly mentioned in your description, it is implied that Robert engages in verbal bullying because he takes the children's lunch and damages their books. This behavior can be seen as a form of intimidation and harassment, as he is taking their belongings and causing damage.

It is important to address and prevent bullying in any form, as it can have severe negative consequences on the well-being and mental health of the victims. If you or someone you know is experiencing bullying, it is crucial to reach out to a trusted adult or authority figure who can intervene and provide support.