
No one in Rohan’s immediate family has cancer. What
does this MOST likely mean?
(1 point)
He will never get cancer.
His mom does not have cancer-causing genes.
His dad does not have cancer-causing genes.
He could possibly get cancer.

Based on the given information, the most logical inference is that he could possibly get cancer, as having no immediate family members with cancer does not guarantee that he will not develop cancer in the future.

Justine has been diagnosed with AIDS. What does this

MOST likely mean for Justine?
(1 point)
She received a vaccine for AIDS that was ineffective.
She previously had human immunodeficiency virus
Her parents passed on genes to Justine that cause
Her symptoms include paresthesia, meningitis, and

Based on the given information, the most likely conclusion is that Justine previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection.

so what is the answer

Based on the given options, the most likely answer is that Justine previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Bernie is giving a talk on heredity at a health seminar.

What is MOST likely to be one of Bernie’s titles for the
presentation slides?
(1 point)
Predicting Personal Traits Based on Family Genes
Using Vaccines to Prevent Communicable Diseases
Increasing Access to Health Care for the Good of All
Helping Others Deal with Grief and Loss

Based on the topic being heredity, the most likely title for Bernie's presentation slides would be "Predicting Personal Traits Based on Family Genes."

The doctor says that Lydia’s baby has a disorder caused

by one single gene. What does the baby MOST likely
(1 point)
cystic fibrosis
heart disease

Based on the information provided, the most likely disorder that Lydia's baby has is cystic fibrosis, as it is a genetic disorder caused by a single gene mutation.

what is the answer