
Which of the two are correct above?

The equation y=-2x=5 is incorrect because it has an extra equal sign.

The correct equation is y=-2x+5.

Using this correct equation, we can evaluate the given points:

12 = -2(3) + 5
12 = -6 + 5
12 ≠ -1, so this point does not satisfy the equation.

7 = -2(-1) + 5
7 = 2 + 5
7 ≠ 7, so this point does not satisfy the equation.

5 = -2(0) + 5
5 = 0 + 5
5 = 5, so this point satisfies the equation.

12 = -2(9) + 5
12 = -18 + 5
12 ≠ -13, so this point does not satisfy the equation.

Therefore, the only point that satisfies the correct equation y=-2x+5 is (0,5).

The given equation is not written correctly. There is an error in the equation. The equal sign is repeated twice, which is not possible. Please provide the correct equation for further assistance.

There seems to be an error in the equation you provided: y = -2x = 5. The equation contains two equal signs "=" which is not valid.

In a valid equation, there should be only one equal sign to relate the left side and the right side of the equation. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the equation before we can determine which points satisfy it. Could you please provide the correct equation?