1: Communication is done both verbally and in written form. Since communication happens on a day in day out basis, Discuss the 7 C’s of Communication.

2. 3 content pages
3. Reference page must be provided(APA)

The 7 C's of communication are a set of principles that guide effective communication. These principles help ensure that messages are clear, concise, coherent, complete, courteous, concrete, and correct. In this paper, we will discuss each of these principles in detail, and how they contribute to effective communication in both verbal and written form.

The first C is clarity. It is important for communication to be clear and easily understandable. The message should be concise, avoiding unnecessary details and jargon. Clear communication helps avoid confusion and ensures that the message is received and understood as intended.

The second C is conciseness. Concise communication involves using the fewest possible words to convey the message. This helps prevent information overload and enables the recipient to understand the message quickly and easily. Using concise language also helps maintain the recipient's interest in the message.

Coherence is the third C and refers to the logical flow of ideas in communication. A coherent message should have a clear structure and organization. The ideas presented should be connected and related to each other, allowing the recipient to follow along without difficulty. Coherence helps retain the recipient's attention and makes the message more persuasive.

The fourth C is completeness. Complete communication provides all the necessary information and details required for the recipient to understand the message fully. It includes all relevant facts, figures, and context to prevent ambiguity or misunderstanding. Incomplete communication can lead to confusion and misinterpretation.

The fifth C is courtesy. Courtesy in communication involves showing respect and consideration for the recipient. It includes using polite and appropriate language, being mindful of cultural differences, and acknowledging the recipient's viewpoint or opinions. Courtesy helps create a positive and constructive communication atmosphere.

Concrete communication is the sixth C. It involves using specific and tangible language to make the message more vivid and tangible. Concrete communication helps the recipient visualize the message, making it more memorable and engaging. Avoiding vague or abstract language ensures that the message is clear and easily understood.

The final C is correctness. Correct communication is free from errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other technical aspects. It includes using the appropriate language and tone for the intended audience. Correct communication helps establish credibility and professionalism.

In conclusion, the 7 C's of communication are essential principles that help ensure effective communication. Clarity, conciseness, coherence, completeness, courtesy, concrete language, and correctness contribute to clear, concise, logical, informative, respectful, engaging, and error-free communication. By following these principles, both verbal and written communication can be more effective, leading to better understanding and achieving desired outcomes.


- Bovee, C. L., & Thill, J. V. (2018). Business communication today (14th ed.). Pearson.
- Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2016). Essentials of business communication (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.
- Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2013). Business communication: Building critical skills (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Title: The 7 C’s of Communication: A Comprehensive Analysis

Communication is the foundation of human interaction, whether it occurs in verbal or written form. To effectively transmit and receive information, a set of principles known as the 7 C’s of communication is applied. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the 7 C’s of communication and their significance in day-to-day interactions.

I. Clearness:
Clearness refers to the clarity and succinctness of the message being conveyed. It involves using simple and concise language, avoiding jargon or complex terms that may confuse the recipient. Clear communication ensures that the message is easily understood, reducing the possibility of misinterpretation.

II. Conciseness:
Conciseness focuses on crafting concise messages without sacrificing important information. It involves conveying messages in a direct and efficient manner, avoiding unnecessary details or excessive wordiness. Concise communication helps maintain the recipient's attention and enhances understanding.

III. Completeness:
Completeness entails providing all necessary information in a message to avoid ambiguity or confusion. It involves including relevant facts, details, and context to ensure the recipient has a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Incomplete communication may lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

IV. Courtesy:
Courtesy involves maintaining a respectful and polite tone in communication. It requires adhering to social etiquette and considering the feelings and perspectives of others. Communicating with courtesy fosters positive relationships, enhances cooperation, and reduces conflicts.

V. Coherence:
Coherence focuses on the logical organization and flow of a message. It involves structuring information in a manner that is easy to follow and understand. By connecting ideas and concepts in a coherent way, the message becomes more coherent and the recipient can grasp the intended meaning smoothly.

VI. Correctness:
Correctness refers to the accuracy and precision of the information conveyed. It involves using proper grammar, correct spelling, and accurate data. Incorrect information can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and loss of credibility.

VII. Consideration:
Consideration emphasizes the recipient's needs, interests, and perspectives in communication. It involves showing empathy, being empathetic, and understanding their background and context. Considering the recipient's viewpoint enhances engagement, trust, and effective communication.

The 7 C’s of communication - clearness, conciseness, completeness, courtesy, coherence, correctness, and consideration - are essential elements for effective communication in both verbal and written forms. By adhering to these principles, individuals can enhance their communication skills and facilitate better understanding, collaboration, and meaningful interactions. Employing the 7 C’s leads to improved communication outcomes, reducing the possibility of miscommunication and fostering stronger relationships in various personal and professional scenarios.

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To discuss the 7 C's of communication, you need to understand what they are and how they are applied in both verbal and written forms of communication. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to go about it:

Step 1: Research and Gather Information
Start by researching and gathering information about the 7 C's of communication. Look for credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites to gather accurate and reliable information. Take note of the key points and examples that illustrate each of the 7 C's.

Step 2: Create an Outline
After gathering the necessary information, create an outline that will serve as the structure for your essay. The outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Divide the body paragraphs into sections, each dedicated to one of the 7 C's.

Step 3: Introduction
In the introduction, provide a brief overview of the importance of effective communication in both verbal and written forms. You can also include a thesis statement that highlights the 7 C's and their significance in communication.

Step 4: Body Paragraphs
Dedicate a paragraph to each of the 7 C's of communication. Introduce the concept and explain its relevance in effective communication. Use examples or real-life scenarios to illustrate how each C can be applied in verbal and written conversations.

The 7 C's of Communication are:
1. Clarity: The message should be clear and easily understandable to the recipient.
2. Conciseness: Communicate the message in a brief and to-the-point manner, avoiding unnecessary details.
3. Consideration: Taking into account the needs, values, and perspectives of the audience to ensure the message is well-received.
4. Completeness: Providing all the necessary information required for understanding and decision-making.
5. Courtesy: Using polite and respectful language to maintain a positive tone in communication.
6. Correctness: Ensuring the accuracy and correctness of the message, including grammar, spelling, and facts.
7. Coherence: Organizing the message logically and maintaining a consistent flow of ideas throughout the conversation.

Step 5: Conclusion
In the conclusion, summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restate the importance of the 7 C's in effective communication. Highlight the potential impact of applying these principles in both verbal and written forms of communication.

Step 6: Add References
Create a separate page at the end of your essay to list the references used. Follow the APA referencing style guidelines to format the references correctly.

Remember to proofread and revise your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness.