there were five laws that made up the compromise of 1850 which of the following was not one of these laws

california would be admitted as a free state
the state of louisiana would be established by carving its borders from the state of texas
the slave trade would be abolished in the district of columbia but the practice of slavery would be allowed to continue their
all services of the united states regardless of the region would be required to apprehend runaway slaves and return them to their owners those who failed to do so would be fined or imprisoned

the state of louisiana would be established by carving its borders from the state of texas

The law that was not part of the Compromise of 1850 is:

- The state of Louisiana would be established by carving its borders from the state of Texas.

To determine which of the options was not one of the laws included in the Compromise of 1850, we need to assess each option.

1. The admission of California as a free state was indeed one of the laws of the Compromise of 1850. This law balanced the admission of California as a free state with the creation of other territories where slavery was still permitted.

2. The establishment of the state of Louisiana by carving its borders from Texas was not one of the laws included in the Compromise of 1850. The state of Louisiana was already established prior to this compromise. Therefore, this option is the answer to your question.

3. The abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia while allowing the practice of slavery to continue was also part of the Compromise of 1850. This law aimed to satisfy both the interests of those who opposed the slave trade and those who supported slavery.

4. The requirement for all United States services to apprehend runaway slaves and return them to their owners, with penalties for failure to do so, was indeed one of the laws included in the Compromise of 1850. This provision was part of the Fugitive Slave Act, an effort to enforce the return of escaped slaves to their enslavers.

Therefore, based on the options provided, the second option - "The state of Louisiana would be established by carving its borders from the state of Texas" - was not one of the laws that comprised the Compromise of 1850.