Which property is illustrated by the following statement? 3 + x = x + 3

Associative Property of Addition
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Inverse Property of Addition
Commutative Property of Addition

Commutative Property of Addition

The property illustrated by the statement "3 + x = x + 3" is the Commutative Property of Addition.

The property illustrated by the statement "3 + x = x + 3" is the Commutative Property of Addition.

To understand why, let's break it down:

The Commutative Property of Addition states that the order of the numbers being added does not affect the sum. In other words, you can change the order of the addends (numbers being added) without changing the result.

In the given statement, "3 + x = x + 3," we can see that the order of the addends is being switched (3 is added to x in the first case, and x is added to 3 in the second case). However, despite the change in order, both expressions are equal.

To confirm this, you can simplify both sides of the equation:
On the left side, 3 + x, you can combine the numbers (3 + x) since they are not like terms.
On the right side, x + 3, you can also combine the numbers (x + 3) since they are not like terms.

After simplifying both sides, you will have:
3 + x = x + 3

As a result, the equation remains unchanged, which aligns with the Commutative Property of Addition.