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Expand 7/10(5d+6) .(1 point) Responses 35d + 6 35d + 6 5d + 21/5 5 d + 21 fifths 72d + 21/5 72d + 21/5 35d + 42

To expand 7/10(5d+6), we distribute the fraction to both terms inside the parentheses.

7/10(5d+6) = 7/10 * 5d + 7/10 * 6

Simplifying further,

= 35/10 * d + 42/10

= 3.5d + 4.2

Therefore, the expanded form of 7/10(5d+6) is 3.5d + 4.2.

that is not a answer in the choices

Apologies for the confusion. Let's try expanding it again:

7/10(5d+6) = (7/10) * 5d + (7/10) * 6

Simplifying further:

= (35/10)d + (42/10)

= 3.5d + 4.2

Therefore, the expanded form of 7/10(5d+6) is 3.5d + 4.2.

write it without an expanded form

The expression 7/10(5d+6) can be simplified as follows:

Multiply 7/10 by 5d to get (7/10)(5d) = 35/10 * d = 3.5d

Multiply 7/10 by 6 to get (7/10)(6) = 42/10 = 4.2

Therefore, the simplified form of 7/10(5d+6) is 3.5d + 4.2.